Mathematics and Computer Application
Mathematics / Computer Application
As the educational landscape shifts towards equipping students with future-ready skills, the Jurongville Mathematics department embraces the R3EAL curriculum by infusing real, relevant, rigorous, experiential, and authentic learning into everyday lessons.
Learning of Mathematics
As the educational landscape shifts towards equipping students with future-ready skills, the Jurongville Mathematics department embraces the R3EAL curriculum by infusing real, relevant, rigorous, experiential, and authentic learning into everyday lessons.
Using technology, such as Student Learning Space (SLS) and Virtual Reality, students learn Math through interactive and active learning lesson packages to engage students in discussions and equip students with problem solving skills.
To develop the students’ higher-order thinking skills and promote a passion for learning, students participate in various national and international maths competitions such as the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO). Students displayed their skills to think logically, critically and analytically to meet the demands and rigor of the competitions.
JVS Mathletes Programme (Math Talent Development)
To develop the students’ higher-order thinking skills and promote a passion for learning, the department provides opportunities for students to participate in various national and international Maths competitions. Selected Secondary 2 and Secondary 3 students participated in the Singapore and Asian Schools Maths Olympiad (SASMO) and they were awarded 1 Silver medal and 4 Bronze medals. Twenty-four Secondary 4 students were involved in Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Maths Challenge where they had a fun time with Mathematics and Engineering through exciting games and thought provoking quizzes.
We collaborated with external organisations such as ITE West to engage selected Sec 1 Mathletes in a Virtual Reality Engagement programme where they solved Maths clues and puzzles to escape the Virtual world. Secondary 1 Mathletes also had the opportunity to go on a learning journey to the Science Centre where they worked in teams and solved challenging yet intriguing real-world problems.